Artwork Guidelines

To achieve the highest quality in our order, high quality artwork is required.

Below are guidelines, which will help you provide acceptable electronic files. We reserve the right to reject any artwork not suitable for engraving.

There is a one-time Logo fee.  Price to be determined by quality of artwork

General Artwork Requirements

1. Black & White
Artwork should be pure black and white, with no colors, shading or shadows. Colors and shading cannot be reproduced with mechanical engravers.

Example Logo             Example Logo

2. High Resolution
Artwork should be at least 200 dpi resolution for best results. Lines and edges should be very sharp and clean, not grainy or fuzzy. Note: A low-resolution image might look sharp on your monitor, but will not look good printed or engraved. Be sure that your image is at least 200 dpi -- no matter how it looks on your monitor.

Example Logo            Example Logo

Sending Files Electronically:
We use PC based software and support most Microsoft and CorelDraw!
Images created or saved with Macintosh software
cannot be used.

Preferred file types:
Coral Draw 10 or lower files.  Also accepted: High-
resolution. Tiff, .gif, .bmp, or .jpg files.  
no Encapsulated Post Script (.eps) files

E-MAIL your artwork to:

Please include a description of your order along with your artwork. 
